TYPES OF CANE IN NCC A swagger stick is a short stick or riding crop usually carried by a uniformed person as a symbol of authority. they come in following type.. 1) Veteran Cane 22" used by Maj & above Ranks 2) Web Cane 27" Used by Riding Corp or Horse riders 3)Regimental Cane 28" Used by Capt and Below ranks and COs Stick early 4) Regular Cane 28" Can be used by any one but normally used by Instructors No. 3&4 are also known as A pace stick which is a long stick usually carried by warrant officer and non-commissioned officer drill instructors in the British and Commonwealth armed forces and police forces as a symbol of authority and as an aid to military drill The origin of the pace stick is claimed by the Royal Regiment of Artillery, who used a "gunner's stick" to measure the distance between guns in the field. It appeared more like a walking stick, with an ivory or silver knob on the end, and, unlike the modern pace stick, could only be ope...
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